Welcome to InterpStudies, LLC!


Reliable. Timely. Accurate.
Home Sleep Study reports by a Board-Certified Sleep Medicine physician.

We are pleased to offer you a means to obtain Home Sleep Study reports by a Board-Certified Sleep Medicine physician.

InterpStudies is a completely web-based company that allows you to transmit home sleep studies to us for a physician interpretation within five business days. Our team of sleep physicians have medical licenses in all 50 states, including Canada. Our analysis uses the most current American Academy of Sleep Medicine guidelines, regarding diagnosis and treatment options, including usage of positive airway pressure (i.e. CPAP) and oral appliances.

InterpStudies works currently with the following products: Natus (previously Embletta) using Remlogic software, as well as the SleepMed ARES (previously Watermark) device.

The cost of this service is $69 (U.S.A.), $100 (Canada) which will be billed on a monthly basis by a dedicated billing staff. Please download the InterpStudies billing information submission form below to get started.

If you are interested in this service, please let us know! We look forward to providing you with accurate, timely Home Sleep Test reports and welcome your suggestions for improvements.

Service Pricing

$69 = U.S.A.
$100 = Canada


U.S.A Forms

click to download


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